How To Safely Buy Football Tickets Online

Written by:

Chris Jenkins

In today’s market, it is becoming more difficult for genuine football fans to buy match tickets to watch their favourite team. The Premier League is the most lucrative competition in world football and the demand for tickets continues to grow year after year. Buying Arsenal tickets, Liverpool tickets, Manchester City tickets, Manchester United tickets and Chelsea tickets remain the most popular on the market and sell out for every match. As a result, secondary platforms like us at Football Ticket Pad are becoming realistic alternatives for football fans all over the world providing access to the biggest and best games across the season in Europe.

As ticket prices rise, demand grows and the general ticketing process of buying tickets through primary methods requires many hoops and regulations to be passed, it is no question that the everyday football fan is missing out on football tickets to watch their team. The secondary market is becoming a hotbed for customers searching for their desired football tickets and we are here to help.

Primary sellers are making it tougher to buy tickets, especially in football with the Premier League and Champions League, two of the most popular formats available. Nowadays, fans need to have a required number of match credits’ or ‘membership points’ to be able to access tickets early, leaving more and more football fans empty-handed. As a result, customers are more willing to pay ‘markup’ prices for the tickets they want which leave many asking the question: How do I know my tickets are genuine? Here are a few tips to help gain trust when buying your football tickets online:

Trust Pilot Rating: - Trust Pilot is a star rating system which credits sites with a value based on their customer service and customer satisfaction. For instance, Football Ticket Pad operates a five-star Trust Pilot rating. Anything below four stars would not be recommended. Over the course of previous seasons and into this season Football Ticket Pad has built up an enviable reputation as 'The Home of Football Tickets' with fans across the world. We have earned a 5 Star Trust Pilot rating for customer service and support. We are the only online ticket platform that has a 5-star rating and our goal is to do what it takes to keep it that way.

Customer Feedback:  A simple way to gain trust is by reading through the customer feedback responses or general online responses on online chat portals and message boards about the service in question. All feedback on the site is from genuine real customers who give an honest reviews of the service they have received. Football Ticket Pad prides itself on its customer relations and customer service and we take each and every response seriously.

Payment Process: It is vital that when buying football tickets online that the payment gateway is secure. A lot of services are secured by PayPal but another quick way to gain trust is before entering your payment details remember this simple tip. Make sure the web address starts with ‘https’ (The ‘s’ stands for ‘Secure). There should also be a locked padlock icon in the address box to confirm that the site you are accessing is secure. Football Ticket Pad uses the latest payment security software to ensure all transactions made through our website are secure. Every page of our website is certified as 'safe' by online security experts McAfee Secure. Unfortunately, we do not accept payment over the phone and do not use PayPal. We ask that fans complete their ticket purchase online using our secure online checkout process.

Contact Details: All online platforms should have a registered address with a contact number. If customers are feeling suspicious or have any questions there is often an FAQ section or customers can ring the customer service number and speak to a member of staff. Our dedicated UK-based team are always on hand if you have a question or need help with anything at all. Call, email, or use the chat box at the bottom right of this page. Also, don't forget to take a look at our regularly updated FAQs.

Don't get ripped off: Make sure you're buying from a reputable seller so that you don't get ripped off. Get a contact number (or contact email) so you can hold your seller accountable if the tickets don't turn up. Football Ticket Pad has 24/7 customer service which can be contacted via phone and email if any problems occur. We also have representatives present at our matches to help things run smoothly.